In this Lilith Lust coming clean erotic photo set from GirlSoftcore.com you will find the inspiration for anal sex. If her fleshy ass doesn’t inspire you to make her crawl the walls inside this shower you might be a little too tame for my blog. If you were thinking the same thing as I was when you saw Lilith’s plump tushy keep reading.
The first girl I ever fucked in the asshole was built much like Lilith here. My girl has a little shorter, but she has juicy tits and a fleshy booty. She wanted to try anal in the shower so any mess would wash off easily. Having read up on the subject she fasted for a day and then gave herself an enema after her bowel movement. We were ready to go.
I got behind her and spread her legs out with my foot cop style. I pulled her ass out a bit and pushed her torso into the tiled wall. I spit a wet loogie down her ass crack and once it hit her hole I pressed my cock into her. While she was very tight my cock seemed to glide ride inside without too much force on my part. Damn it felt good to be up inside her ass!
As I began to pump she tried fidgeting. I wanted nothing to do with that from her and held her hands up against the wall as I worked in and out of her butt. Eventually she asked if she could masturbate her clit. What a good girl. I told her sure, babe, and let her rub herself to orgasm as my own built up inside my balls.
We both came and I had to hold her up so she didn’t collapse. What a rush!
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