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Posted By Admin on 09/26/20 - Bookmark Anal Sex Dolls

The funny thing about a lot of guys when it comes to pulling members of the opposite sex is the fact that they feel that they have to use some sort of formula. In a way, I can see where they’re coming from because when you’re using a formula, there’s really no thinking involved. You’re just going through the motions. It’s as if you have this invisible checklist in front of you and you’re saying the right things at the right time to produce the right results with the right people.

But this formulaic approach ultimately leaves a lot to be desired because let’s face it, if you want to be a true blue, bona fide fuck finder, you need to step up your win rate and join You need to step up your success rate. And it’s very hard to do that when you’re sticking to some sort of formula because, the truth is, there is no cookie cutter approach to becoming magnetic to members of the opposite sex.

You have to be in the moment, you have to appreciate them for who they are, you have to pay close attention to what they have to say, and you have to step into their lives and absorb them. You’re not trying to impose your personal narrative on them, you’re not trying to extract what you need from them, but just to step into their lives. That’s the ultimate form of sex because it’s not about fucking per se, but communing, uniting, bonding, transcending.

I don’t mean to blow your mind, but it needs to be blown because the whole idea of using some sort of formula really boils down to selfishness, and that’s why guys fuck up again and again. The worst part of all of this is that they have nobody to blame except themselves.

If you ask a master salesman why he is able to pull all these amazing sales from what would otherwise be very difficult clients, expert salespeople, if they’re answering you honestly, would tell you a simple truth. The truth is this: to get what you want, you must first give people what they want. That’s the bottom line.

When it comes to becoming a fuck finder, you have to give women the worship that they demand. Women demand worship. So when you get into their minds, you’re not there as an intruder. You’re not there as somebody who’s trying to extract something or exploit something. Instead, you’re there as a fan. You’re there to appreciate it. So wrap your mind around this because it’s quite deep.

When my mentor told me this, it just really blew my mind. It took me weeks or actually years to recover. But once you see its implications, it unleashes power. And it also unleashes a tremendous amount of calm, peace, and sense of purpose.

Blogged Under: Dating
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