Finding Local Hookups Should be easy for multiple reasons.
They Are Everywhere
The good news is that women looking to hook up take different forms, come from different backgrounds, have different shapes, sizes, colors, and ages.
They can come from anywhere and they are everywhere.
In fact, according to survey studies, a lot of women who constantly hook up on the side are actually emotionally attached to somebody else.
That’s right — they’re either married or are in long-term relationships.
Whether their husbands or boyfriends know what they’re doing is another matter entirely.
Regardless, my point is that women who are looking to hook up are everywhere.
So you just need to open your eyes to that reality and you can increase your chances of successfully hooking up.
– Focus on Many Different Channels
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Don’t think that just because there are all sorts of mobile apps that allow you to hook up, they are your solid gold tickets to getting laid.
Absolutely wrong.
Instead, focus on different channels of communication.
Maybe you should try Craigslist, free adult dating sites, paid dating sites, and dating apps.
The focus here is to play the numbers game.
You have to remember that for every 200 messages you send out, maybe only two or three women would respond.
Except for those two or three, the vast majority would not want to date you.
And you can’t even be sure that the two or three who respond and show initial interest in you would go ahead and date you, let alone actually have sex with you later on.
I don’t mean to depress you, I don’t mean to discourage you, but this is the truth.
You can either be discouraged by this or you can use it to your advantage.
Since 100 or 200 emails or messages produce only 2 or 3 dates, then this means that you need to step it up.
Maybe you need to send out 2,000 so you can get 20 to 30 dates and find a local girl
You get my point.
It’s all about playing a numbers game so you can increase your chances of success.